Do Not Neglect Canned Tomatoes

Do Not Neglect Canned Tomatoes
Do Not Neglect Canned Tomatoes

Everyone has heard how good fresh tomatoes are for our health. But what is our attitude to the processed ones, which are present in tomato purees, sauces, juices, dishes and canned food?

It turns out that even in a sterilized state, the tomato is not to be underestimated. According to scientists, the health benefits of this vegetable even increase when it is canned.

Tomatoes are a source of many plant substances. When canned food is prepared from them, the amount of vitamin C contained in vegetables decreases, but all plant substances are preserved. In addition, their absorption by the body becomes even easier, experts say.

One of the above substances is lycopene. It is known for its powerful antioxidant action and its ability to protect against fatigue, anxiety, depression and a number of diseases. Lycopene improves the activity of genes and normalizes hormones, as well as supports immunity. Viewed in this way, it is no wonder that the consumption of canned tomatoes prolongs life and improves health.

According to experts, canned tomatoes have a good effect even in male infertility and protect against heart attack. The flavonoids and carotenoids in tomatoes help the heart, strengthen blood vessels, improve skin appearance and sharpen vision.

The melatonin in tomatoes takes care of the immune system and improves the quality of sleep. It maintains the balance in the human body. Canned tomatoes are also a source of zinc. It plays an important role in the formation of insulin, affects the work of the female genitals and stimulates mental activity.


Canned tomatoes are also useful against sunburn. According to experts, the consumption of a few spoonfuls of tomato paste before sun exposure during the day significantly reduces the risk of sunburn.

Canned red juicy tomatoes should not be excluded from the menu of pregnant and breastfeeding women. Eating them can only stimulate the enzymatic and hormonal spheres and provide health, peace, energy and fresh mind to women in a delicate situation.
