Facts About Tomatoes That You Do Not Suspect

Facts About Tomatoes That You Do Not Suspect
Facts About Tomatoes That You Do Not Suspect

There are still people who react with disbelief when they hear that a tomato is a fruit. Apart from this indisputable fact, there are a few other interesting things about our favorite tomatoes.

- Have you ever picked a tomato while it is still green? Don't worry, you won't throw it away, on the contrary. Leave the tomatoes next to the apples or next to the bananas. You will be surprised what these fruits contain - growth hormone. Thanks to this gas, the ripening of the tomato will accelerate and will finally be ready for consumption.

Green tomatoes
Green tomatoes

- Tomato has an antiseptic effect. This means that if you drink fresh tomato juice, you will avoid annoying inflammation. This fruit also contains vitamin C and beta-carotene - antioxidants that help neutralize the main causes of cancer.

Tomato juice
Tomato juice

- In Britain in the 17th century there was a claim that tomatoes are poisonous. For a century, the British believed in this thesis and did not allow tomatoes in their menu. But a little later they become one of the main ingredients in their rich menu.

Tomatoes with olive oil
Tomatoes with olive oil

- It is good to season tomatoes with olive oil or other useful fat whenever we eat them. This is because they are a rich source of amino oxidants. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is fat-soluble. This means that fat is needed to absorb it.

- The salt and acid contained in the tomato help to remove the copper oxide that is on your belongings in the home, leaving the objects made of this metal with a bright shine.
