November Vegetables That Must Be On Your Table

November Vegetables That Must Be On Your Table
November Vegetables That Must Be On Your Table

We have heard how in the spring we should eat the typical leafy vegetables for the season, and in the summer we should emphasize the seasonal fruits, sun tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc.

Precisely because they are seasonal and we are much more likely to come across "real" products than pesticides. But this applies not only to spring and summer vegetables and fruits, but also to autumn.

Again, we need to focus on the season what falls more often on our table. Here are the products that are good to consume in the fall and especially in November, because they are not only fresh and delicious, but also very healthy.

Put these on the table regularly typical for November vegetables and you will enjoy good mood and health.


If you have not yet filled the can with sauerkraut, then be sure to leave some cabbages to eat fresh. Cabbage is very rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. But it is probably the most valuable because of its huge wealth of vitamin C. And surprise - it is richer in this vitamin even than the lemons and oranges pointed out as leaders in this regard. Especially when it is fresh and not subjected to heat treatment.

And that's not all. Cabbage is also suitable for detox diets and weight loss because it is very low in calories. There are countless recipes for cabbage salads, so improvise and enjoy its taste.


November vegetables that must be on your table
November vegetables that must be on your table

Especially suitable for consumption are in Novemberbecause they strengthen our immune system, and it is often weaker on the eve of winter. They are very rich in beta-carotene (provitamin A), which cleanses toxins from our body and is even considered to protect us from cancer. It is known about the effect that the consumption of carrots has on your eyes - the more carrots you eat, the better your eyesight will be.


Leek begins to appear on our table precisely through November and that's why it's a good idea to start finding out now what leek delicacies you can make. It has a diuretic effect and is especially suitable for consumption by diabetics and people suffering from gout.

Brussels sprouts

November vegetables that must be on your table
November vegetables that must be on your table

Don't underestimate this one vegetables in Novemberas it is not something exotic. Rather, its consumption is not widespread in our country, but in vain. These mini vegetables are very rich in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. In addition, Brussels sprouts are low in calories, which makes them a great food before the Christmas holidays.
