Ideas For New Year's Salads And Appetizers

Ideas For New Year's Salads And Appetizers
Ideas For New Year's Salads And Appetizers

The New Year's menu should be very beautiful and spectacular so that you can surprise your friends and guests. Salads and appetizers are a main item on the menu, as the rest are mostly meats.

In salads and appetizers you can get wild and show yourself as a real virtuoso and artist.

Pancake cake for the New Year
Pancake cake for the New Year

It is a tasty, easy and effective appetizer

Cake with pancakes with salty filling

Salty baskets for the New Year
Salty baskets for the New Year

You need 20 pancakes, pre-cooked and chilled, and salty fillings of your choice. You can prepare them yourself - these are a salad of squeezed yogurt with pickles, Russian salad, pieces of ham, a mixture of cottage cheese and mayonnaise with added garlic and red pepper, different types of salami, pieces of baked cheese and whatever else you can think of.

Spread the filling of your choice on each pancake and arrange the salty cake, spreading mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with grated yellow cheese. It can be decorated with whole marinated mushrooms or pickles and olives.

Tomato baskets

are very spectacular. Make baskets of larger tomatoes by cutting the top half of the tomato to form the handle of the basket and carving the bottom. Fill with stuffing of your choice - Russian salad, mayonnaise with shrimp pieces and other seafood, or a mixture of tuna and miniature lemon slices without peel and seeds.

Salads are also very important

Prepare a salad for lovers of exotic boiled shrimp with slices of avocado and a dressing of skim yogurt, to which you have added a few drops of lemon juice and finely chopped cucumber.

Fish lovers will be happy if you serve them an iceberg lettuce with pieces of roasted salmon and lemon juice.

Lovers of traditional salads will be happy to welcome the real country salad - roasted and peeled red peppers, sliced tomatoes, chopped red onions, roasted cheese, plenty of parsley - just like their grandmother made.

In Bulgaria, the choice of recipes for the New Year's table is very large, so we put together several collection categories with selected New Year's recipes:

- New Year's appetizers

- main dishes for New Year's Eve

- heavy meat for the New Year

- sample New Year's menu

- desserts and cakes for the New Year

- fluffy holiday cakes with step by step video
