Pick The Quinces In Time! That's Why

Pick The Quinces In Time! That's Why
Pick The Quinces In Time! That's Why

Quinces should be picked neither too early nor too late.

They increase by an average of 2-4 grams per day. Premature harvesting of quinces leads to deterioration of taste.

In case of late harvesting, some of the fruits fall off and are injured, and the shelf life of the others is reduced. It is very difficult to correctly determine their quality and to hit the time "in time" for harvesting.

There are several indications that indicate when this moment has occurred:

- Timely harvested fruits are less affected by the disease "bitter spots";

- Quinces should be picked when the color of their skin is yellowish, the moss on them has decreased and is easily removed, and when cut the seeds are visibly dark brown;


- Quinces they easily begin to rot and therefore they should not be left outdoors or covered;

- For storage of quinces it is recommended to put them in a box lined with paper. Do not store in the same room with pears, as they emit the gas of ripening - acetylene;

- The fruits are stored in a room with high humidity and an optimal temperature of 8 degrees. So they can be kept until the end of December.
