It's Autumn: It's Time To Pick Rose Hips

It's Autumn: It's Time To Pick Rose Hips
It's Autumn: It's Time To Pick Rose Hips

The common rosehip, familiar to all of us, is related to the rose, it is actually a wild rose.

Everyone has encountered this thorny, highly branched shrub. The dog rose blooms in the months of May to July, its flowers are pale pink. The fruits begin to ripen in September, and they initially have an orange color.

Herbalists say that orange fruits are the most useful because then they are the richest in nutrients. When they turn red, they lose some of their vitamins.

In any case, September is the month during which we can reap from this really useful fruit. From ripe fruits we can prepare extremely delicious rosehip jam, wine and especially tea.

Decoction or tea from the fruits of rose hips increase the body's defenses, especially during the coming winter months. They are used for colds, bronchial and gastrointestinal diseases.

It's autumn: It's time to pick rose hips
It's autumn: It's time to pick rose hips

The healing effect is mainly due to the high content of vitamin C, tannins and pectins. The combination between them stimulates the formation of red blood cells, strengthens the body's resistance. Rosehip is also useful for the heart, circulatory system, liver, lowers blood sugar.

This vitamin-rich fruit is a remedy for stones and grit in the urinary system. And last but not least, it is used in the treatment of flu and cough.

Collecting the fruits is not difficult, because practically rosehip bushes are almost everywhere - in meadows, forests, parks, gardens and streets. At the risk of being a little scratched and stabbed, we will be prepared with fragrant tea to meet the coming winter and cold days.
