The Most Harmful Foods That Are Sources Of Refined Starch

The Most Harmful Foods That Are Sources Of Refined Starch
The Most Harmful Foods That Are Sources Of Refined Starch

Carbohydrates can be divided into three main categories: sugar, fiber and starch.

Starch are the most commonly used type of carbohydrate and an important source of energy for many people. Usually the sources are cereals and root crops.

Starch is classified as a complex carbohydrate because it consists of many sugar molecules linked together. Traditionally, complex carbohydrates are seen as healthier options. Starch gradually releases blood sugar instead of causing it to rise sharply. Many of the starches are highly purified. They can actually cause a sharp rise in your blood sugar levels, even though they are classified as complex carbohydrates.

This is because a lot of refined starches are deprived of almost all nutrients and fiber. Simply put, they contain empty calories and provide little nutritional benefit. Many studies also show that a diet rich in refined starches is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and weight gain.

Here is a list of a few foods high in starchfrom which it is good to stay away.

1. Corn flour (74%)

Corn flour is a type of coarse flour obtained by grinding dried corn kernels. It is naturally gluten-free, which means it is safe to eat if you have celiac disease. Although corn contains some nutrients, it is very high in carbohydrates and starch. One cup (159 g) contains 126 grams of carbohydrates, of which 117 grams (74%) are starch. If you choose cornmeal, choose whole grains. Otherwise it loses some fiber and nutrients.

2. Cereals from Rice Krispies (72.1%)

Rice crispy contains a lot of starch
Rice crispy contains a lot of starch

Krispies rice is a popular cereal made from crispy rice. It is simply a combination of rice and sugar paste formed into crispy rice forms. They are often enriched with vitamins and minerals. One ounce (28 grams) contains more than 1/3 of your daily needs for thiamine, riboflavin, iron and vitamins B6 and B12. However, the Rice Krispies are exceptional high starch content. 28 grams of rice snack contains 20.2 grams of starch or 72.1% by weight. If Rice Krispies are on your daily menu, consider choosing a healthier breakfast alternative.

3. Wheat flour (70%)

One cup (119 g) of millet flour contains 83 grams of starch or 70% by weight. Millet flour is also gluten-free and rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium. Pearl millet is the most common type of millet. Although pearl millet is very nutritious, there is some evidence that it can affect thyroid function. However, the effects in humans are unclear, so more research is needed.

4. White flour (68%)

Whole grain wheat has three main components. The outer layer is known as bran, the germ is the reproductive part of the grain, and the endosperm is its food. White flour is prepared by removing bran and germ, which are full of nutrients and fiber. This leaves only endosperm, which is processed into white flour. It is usually low in nutrients and mostly contains empty calories. In addition, the endosperm gives white flour with high starch content. One cup (120 g) of white flour contains 81.6 grams of starch or 68% by weight.

5. Salty crackers (67.8%)

Crackers contain a lot of starch
Crackers contain a lot of starch

Salty crackers are thin square biscuits made with refined wheat flour, yeast and baking soda. Although salty crackers are low in calories, they are also low in vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are very high in starch. For example, a serving of five standard salted crackers (15 grams) contains 11 grams of starch or 67.8% by weight. If you like biscuits, choose ones that are made with 100% wholemeal flour and seeds.

6. Oats (57.9%)

Oats are among the healthiest grains you can eat. They provide a good amount of protein, fiber and fat, as well as a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. This makes oats an excellent choice for a healthy breakfast. In addition, studies show that oats can help you lose weight, lower blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease. Although it is one of the healthiest foods and a great addition to your diet, it also contains a lot of starch. One cup of oats (81 g) contains 46.9 grams of starch or 57.9% by weight.

7. Wholemeal flour (57.8%)

The most harmful foods that are sources of refined starch
The most harmful foods that are sources of refined starch

Photo: Mariana Petrova Ivanova

Compared to refined flour, wholemeal flour is more nutritious and has a lower starch content. This makes it a better option. For example, 1 tsp. (120 g) wholemeal flour contains 69 grams of starch or 57.8% by weight.

8. Rice (28.7%)

Rice is the most commonly used staple food in the world. It is also with high starch content - especially in its raw form. For example, 3.5 ounces (100 g) of raw rice contains 80.4 grams of carbohydrates, of which 63.6% are starch. However, when cooked, the starch content drops dramatically. In the presence of heat and water, starch molecules absorb water and swell. Ultimately, this swelling breaks the bonds between the starch molecules through a process called gelatinization. Therefore, 3.5 ounces of cooked rice contains only 28.7% starchbecause cooked rice contains much more water.

9. Pasta (26%)

The paste is a source of refined starch
The paste is a source of refined starch

Pasta is a type of noodle that is usually made from durum wheat. It comes in many different forms such as spaghetti, pasta and fettuccine. Like rice, it has less starch when cooked because it gelatinizes in the presence of heat and water. For example, dry spaghetti contains 62.5% starch, while cooked spaghetti contains only 26%.

10. Maize (18.2%)

Corn is one of the most widely used cereals. It also has the highest starch content among vegetables.

For example, 1 tsp. (141 g) corn kernels contain 25.7 grams of starch or 18.2% by weight. Although it is a vegetable, corn is very nutritious and is a great addition to your diet. It is especially rich in fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus and potassium.

11. Potatoes (18%)

Harmful foods with refined starch
Harmful foods with refined starch

Potatoes are extremely tasty and are a staple food in many households. They are often among the first foods that come to mind when you think of starchy foods. Interestingly, potatoes do not contain as much starch as flour, pasta or cereals, but they contain more starch than other vegetables. For example, medium-baked potatoes (138 g) contain 24.8 grams of starch or 18% by weight.

Potatoes are an excellent part of a balanced diet because they are a great source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, folic acid, potassium and manganese.

Starch is the main carbohydrate in food and a major part of many foods. In modern diets foods high in starch tend to be highly refined and deprived of fiber and nutrients. These foods include refined wheat flour and corn flour.

To maintain a healthy diet, try to limit your intake of these foods. Diets high in refined starches are associated with a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and weight gain. In addition, they can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar and a sharp drop.

This is especially important for people with diabetes and prediabetes, as their bodies cannot effectively remove blood sugar.
