Foods That Cleanse The Kidneys

Foods That Cleanse The Kidneys
Foods That Cleanse The Kidneys

Everyone takes care of their health. However, we often forget that our kidneys also need care to be healthy. Their health is just as important as their heart. If our kidneys are not healthy, then many of our other organs and systems will not function normally.

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to this, which foods are good for our kidneys and with which foods we can maintain their health. As we know, the kidneys cleanse our body of excess waste and help to expel them from our body through urination.

They also maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes in our body. When our kidneys are sick, a clear sign of this can be difficult and painful urination, also some parts of our face are swollen, especially in the eyes, arms, legs.

Kidney disease can also lead to cardiovascular disease. There is a statistic that shows that people with kidney disease increase dramatically, and these people increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

As we know, many doctors and other specialists advise us to eat healthy so that our body is healthy and works properly. This also applies in full force to the kidneys.

Here are some healthy foods to cleanse the kidneys:

Cabbage - Cabbage is the most natural way to "feed" your kidneys. Cabbage is full of phytochemicals, which remove free radicals and thus significantly reduces the risk of harm. Cabbage also contains vitamins B6, K, C, folic acid and fiber. Cabbage has a very small amount of potassium in its composition, and for this reason it is an even better solution for our health and the health of our organs. However, in order to keep all the nutrients in it, the cabbage must be steamed or boiled. Eat more cabbage salads or healthy cabbage soup.


Fruits - We all know how useful fruits are for our health, even children. Fruits are a very good source of manganese, vitamin C, fiber and folic acid. Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are very good for the kidneys because their antioxidant properties help to significantly reduce inflammation and improve bladder function. I advise you to always buy fresh fruit, but if you find dried or frozen, they are also a good solution for kidney cleansingbecause they have many health benefits. Eat them in fruit salads or ice creams, melbi, fruit creams.

Fish - Fish is rich in omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids and for this reason it plays an important role in reducing chronic inflammation in our body, and also helps us to supply high quality protein. According to one study, if we eat fish regularly, it leads to a decrease in protein in the urine, which is a very good solution if you have diabetes or are pre-diabetic. Don't miss grilled fish, steamed fish or stuffed carp.

Proteins - Protein is low in phosphorus. Egg whites are one of recommended foods for kidney problems. Like fish, protein provides our body with high quality protein, which is needed for proper kidney function. If you have kidney problems, do not eat egg yolks, because they put a heavy strain on the kidneys.

Olive oil - As we know, olive oil is extremely useful for our health. It is good not only for the heart but also for the kidneys. Olive oil is a good source of oleic acid, anti-inflammatory fatty acids, polyphenols and antioxidant compounds that stop the oxidation process in our body. Therefore, use olive oil to flavor your favorite salads, sauces, cold sandwiches, snacks, spaghetti, cold soups.

Garlic for healthy kidneys
Garlic for healthy kidneys

Garlic - Garlic has many important antioxidants and this makes it one of the foods needed to treat cardiovascular and kidney disease. There is evidence that if we eat one or two cloves of garlic a day on an empty stomach, it leads to a reduction in "bad cholesterol". Garlic also reduces the level of chronic inflammation in the body. And it is cleansing food for the kidneys.

Onions - Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to clear it detoxification of the kidneys. Like protein, it has a very small amount of potassium in its composition and this makes it ideal for maintaining good kidney health. Onions contain a large amount of chromium, and this mineral is a powerful helper for our body to metabolize fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Red peppers - Red peppers help to destroy toxic waste in the blood. This means that they maintain and support normal kidney function and health. They contain a large amount of vitamin A, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin C, as well as fiber. They have a very small amount of potassium in their composition, and I already mentioned what that means. Be sure to prepare a salad of roasted peppers, fresh sandwiches, pizzas, peppers in sauce and more.

Cauliflower - Cauliflower contains a large amount of vitamin C, folic acid and fiber. It also contains compounds called indoles, glucosinolates, and thiocyanates, which help the liver neutralize toxic substances that damage cell membranes and DNA.

Apples - Apples are very suitable for kidney detox. They have strong anti-inflammatory properties and contain a large amount of fiber. Eating apples regularly every day reduces the risk of urinary tract infections, which eliminates the risk of kidney stones.

Green apples
Green apples

Beets- Beets have many properties, some of which are detoxification and deuretion. This means that it is a good solution when you decide to take care of your kidneys. That's why you will find it in borscht soup, fruit salads and vitamin salads.

When you decide to cleanse your kidneys with food, the days during which you do it you should stop taking protein. Above all, you should pay attention to animal proteins, as well as dairy products.

These foods contain a large amount of phosphorus, which leads to calcium deposition. When you decide to cleanse your kidneys, you should also stop consuming coffee and chocolate, because they are highly acidic and lead to increased uric acid levels. This acid is found in our blood in the form of sodium salts. To properly cleanse your kidneys, you need to drink plenty of quality water. At least two liters a day.

You should also eat pomegranate because there is evidence that a glass of pomegranate juice contains 40% of the required daily dose of vitamin C. Pomegranate also eliminates urinary tract infections and has a diuretic effect.
