Lime Juice Purifies Water

Lime Juice Purifies Water
Lime Juice Purifies Water

Lime juice - green lemon - combined with the influence of sunlight is able to work wonders with drinking water and very quickly turn it from full of bacteria into completely harmless and beneficial to the body.

If you mix plain water with a little lime juice and leave it in the sun for half an hour, it will destroy almost all the harmful bacteria in it, especially those that can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Tap water is not always the best to drink, as it passes through a network of old water pipes in which billions of bacteria live. Some of them can cause serious health problems that can even take you to the hospital for complications.

Disinfecting water with sunlight and lime juice is extremely effective. The result is exactly the same as if you boil water and cool it before consumption.

Lime juice purifies water
Lime juice purifies water

Water purification filters work in the same way, but they work much faster, you don't have to wait a minute.

The proportion for diluting water with lime is thirty milliliters of juice per two liters of water or the juice of half a lime per bottle of water of a liter and a half. Using this method of water purification is extremely cheap, and in addition, drinking water will have a pleasant aroma and refreshing taste.

If you are in the field, such as camping or fishing, fill a liter bottle with water and leave it in the sun for about six hours, then add lime juice.

The effect of purification with lime juice is due to the active ingredient in this juice - psoralenes, which accelerates the process of killing harmful bacteria.

You can use other types of citrus fruits for water purification, but they do not have such a strong effect of this active ingredient.
