The Herb Purifier Purifies The Blood

The Herb Purifier Purifies The Blood
The Herb Purifier Purifies The Blood

The herb zhiveniche is well known in Bulgarian folk medicine. Zhivenicheto has anti-inflammatory action and helps with hemorrhoids, goiter, inflammation of the lymph nodes. Consuming an infusion or decoction of the herb will increase heart rate.

Decoction of feverfew purifies the blood, has a analgesic effect. It is often used in folk medicine for liver problems.

The herb stimulates the excretion of urine. Tincture of the leaves of the plant in combination with other herbs helps for better digestion, in lazy intestines or constipation.

Externally, the cuticle is used for various skin inflammations and boils. The stems and roots are used from the herb. Zyvenicheto excites the appetite. Often used for scabies, various eczema and skin rashes, warts.

For inflamed tonsils and enlarged lymph nodes, make a decoction of 1 tsp. of the herb. Pour 600 ml of boiling water over them, then return to the stove to boil together for another five minutes. Then strain the decoction and drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.

The following decoction is suitable for compresses, here's how to prepare it:

Herb Zhiveniche
Herb Zhiveniche

- put 2 tsp. of the herb in 200 ml of boiling water. Allow the herb to boil for half an hour, then strain. With the resulting mixture you can make compresses. It is known that the herb periwinkle also helps with arthritis and goiter.

In case of a rash, you can make a decoction of tricolor violet and knotweed - mix equal amounts of herbs in a suitable container. Take 1 tsp. of this mixture and put it in 250 ml of boiling water.

It is good to leave the mixture to soak for about 20 minutes, then strain it. The infusion prepared in this way is drunk in small sips of 1 tsp. twice a day. For better effect it is good to continue the treatment for 5-6 days.

Keep in mind that the herb periwinkle is poisonous - be careful with the amount you take. It is a heart stimulant and is not recommended for people who have heart problems. If you decide to drink decoctions of the herb, for greater security, consult a specialist.
