Unexpected Benefits Of Eating Dried Raspberries

Unexpected Benefits Of Eating Dried Raspberries
Unexpected Benefits Of Eating Dried Raspberries

Fruits and vegetables consumed during their season are extremely useful. Raspberries, if eaten fresh, protect the body from various diseases, increase immunity. Out of season they can consume dried.

- Dried raspberries are a good source of antioxidants. Protect against diseases;

- Thanks to the contained vitamin C strengthen the immune system;

- Balance blood sugar levels;

- In Chinese medicine they are used for swelling and redness of the body;

- Strengthen the liver;

- Strengthen the functions of the brain and memory;

- Protect against cardiovascular disease;


- They work well on the stomach, regulate intestinal functions;

- Balance cholesterol levels;

- Help with inflamed gums;

- Increase blood circulation, lower blood pressure;

- Prevent atherosclerosis and anemia.

Dried raspberries are extremely valuable food supplements. They contain vitamins C and K, protein, fiber and iron. Can be consumed between meals. With their help you will satisfy up to 10 per 100 of the daily need for calcium. Thanks to this, they strengthen bones and teeth, prevent osteoporosis.

One of the biggest advantages is that dried raspberries have healing properties for eczema. To treat eczema, boil 3 glasses of water. Then add a handful of dried raspberries. Boil for about 5-6 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. If the eczema is on the hands, they are soaked for 10 minutes in this water. Then they should not be washed for about an hour. This procedure is applied 3-4 times a week.
