6 Unexpected Benefits Of Eggshells

6 Unexpected Benefits Of Eggshells
6 Unexpected Benefits Of Eggshells

From time immemorial, people have used eggs to prepare various dishes, mostly because of their universal applicability, great taste and health benefits. But few people know that the shells of eggs, which we throw in the trash without even thinking, can offer us other practical applications. Read on to learn 6 more ways in which eggshells can benefit us.

Eggshell contains valuable nutrients such as protein, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, strontium, selenium and a bunch of other useful components such as collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. Read below to find out how these vital components present in the egg shell can benefit our health.

For pain or inflammation of the joints

If you suffer from painful joints or joint inflammation, the eggshell is the medicine for you. Make in a jar a mixture of ground eggshells mixed with a little apple cider vinegar. Close the lid of the jar, shake it well and leave it in a cool place for two days. After this time, the eggshells will be completely dissolved in the vinegar and you can use the mixture by rubbing it on the painful areas to relieve inflammation and joint pain.

To relieve skin inflammation

The same mixture of dissolved eggshells in apple cider vinegar is very effective in treating skin irritations such as itching and redness of the skin. You just need to spread a small part of the prepared solution on the irritated area and let it dry. This home remedy will soothe your skin and relieve the signs of skin inflammation.

To get rid of dry cuticles on the hands

We all waste time and money to get rid of dry cuticles around fingernails. Instead, use ground eggshells mixed with a few drops of water, smear the dry skins with this mixture and wait for it to dry. Once dry, you can rub gently to remove the rough surface from dry skin and get a softer and firmer looking cuticle in the affected area.

For skin regeneration

Add finely ground eggshells mixed with a little egg white to your homemade face mask or the one you bought at the beauty store. Apply it on your face for a while until it dries and then gently rinse it with a little lukewarm water. This will make your skin softer and more toned with just one application, as the calcium in the eggshell helps to regenerate the skin, and the tiny micro crystals gently remove and exfoliate dry and dead skin.

To make your coffee lighter

Add some finely ground egg shells to the ground coffee before brewing to get a lighter, softer and less acidic version of the coffee without having to compromise on the caffeine content.

To prevent osteoporosis

The high content of calcium in ground eggshells is a valuable health supplement that prevents osteoporosis. So powdered eggshells mixed with the same amount of honey can be taken by postmenopausal women to prevent and treat osteoporosis.
