Zyveniche Helps With Swelling And Tumors

Zyveniche Helps With Swelling And Tumors
Zyveniche Helps With Swelling And Tumors

Although most of us do not pay attention to the swelling that occurs, this condition can actually be more dangerous than we think. The causes of this swelling can be serious health problems related to the heart or kidneys.

It is a good idea to consult a specialist before starting any treatment to find out the cause of the swelling and how to treat it properly.

One of the home remedies for their removal is the infusion of celery roots. You need to grind the roots and leave them for about 3 hours in cold water - you need about 2-3 tbsp. ground celery and 1 tsp. water.

After the time has passed, the infusion can be consumed - it is drunk in three equal doses in one day.

Another option is to drink freshly squeezed celery juice - again, a cup of tea is drunk in three doses. Parsley is another herb that will affect swelling and relieve fluid and swelling.

You need a bunch of fresh parsley along with the root - after washing it well, grind the herb to a pulp. At 1 tsp. from the green porridge pour 500 ml of boiling water.


Leave the mixture to stand overnight, then strain and add the juice of one lemon. This mixture is drunk in three doses. It is good to repeat the recipe the next day, and then take a break of three days.

In the past, the herb periwinkle was used primarily to remove abscesses and purulent wounds. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the herb became especially popular because people understood that the plant could cure all types of swelling.

According to some sources, the stingray can even cure tumors. Nowadays, the herb is very popular as a detoxifier. In addition, the plant helps the digestive process. The herb can also be used externally, treating hemorrhoids, psoriasis, arthritis, helps with skin ulcers, burns and other injuries.

In combination with dock, the stingray also cures psoriasis. You need equal parts of Oregon grape root and periwinkle. Add dock, burdock, dandelion and sarsaparilla.
