Alphabet Of Herbs And Their Benefits (OR)

Alphabet Of Herbs And Their Benefits (OR)
Alphabet Of Herbs And Their Benefits (OR)

Shepherd's purse - a hemostatic agent for bleeding during menopause in women.

Walnut tree - a sedative and blood purifier for chronic chronic eczema and skin diseases.

Sand Bladder - for rheumatism and metabolic disorders.

Healing eye - in inflammation of the conjunctiva and eyelids.

Ochibolets pachi - for inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, for diarrhea, colic, for gargling for inflammation of the oral mucosa.


Ochibolets mountain - a strong burning agent for diarrhea.

Oman black - externally - for compresses for difficult to heal wounds, internally - for gastric diseases, bronchitis.

Coins - a neuro-sedative.

Wormwood white - for anorexia. Caution: do not take for too long.

Iris blue - when coughing, the roots are given to children to chew.

Piraeus - blood purifier and diuretic.


Coltsfoot - for coughs and sputum, for colds and lung diseases.

Borage medicinal - blood purifier.

Apiary - for colds and heart disease.

Yarrow - for anorexia, indigestion.

Sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn - a tonic.

Rhubarb - a laxative.

Fennel - in the formation of gases.

Burdock large - diuretic and pathogenic effect, blood purifier.


Oregano garden - in the formation of gas, colds.

Rosemary - stimulates blood circulation, in the formation of gas.

Rosopas curative - in gastrointestinal and mainly biliary diseases.

Rosyanka round-leaved - against cough.


Healing rose - for cough, hoarseness, pharyngitis and laryngitis.
