Maple Syrup Fights Obesity

Maple Syrup Fights Obesity
Maple Syrup Fights Obesity

Maple syrup is made from the juice of the sugar maple, which grows only in North America. The Canadian province of Quebec is the largest producer of maple syrup.

Maple syrup is very useful. Instead of harmful sucrose, it contains ecoglucose and a large amount of trace elements. No sugar is added to maple syrup. That is why it is a natural sweetener.

According to the original recipe for the production of maple syrup, no colorants, preservatives or flavors are added. The syrup is extremely rich in calcium, thiamine, iron and potassium, contains over 20 antioxidants and has antibacterial properties.

The technology used to make maple syrup is very interesting. Small holes 5 cm deep are drilled in the trunk of the tree. Tubes are inserted into them, through which the sap of the tree is collected in special containers. Approximately 1 liter of syrup is obtained from 40 liters of juice.

Maple syrup is an effective tool in the fight against obesity. And it improves metabolism. It is also effective in combating the growth of cancer cells in the lungs, it is also recommended for the prevention of diabetes.

The maple diet loses between 5 and 10 pounds in 10 days. In addition to melting fat, taking maple syrup will also eliminate harmful substances from your body. The diet will also have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Maple syrup can be used as a sweetener for tea, coffee, pasta, creams, and added to salty meat and vegetable dishes.

According to some historical records, maple juice was used as early as the time of the Indians before the discovery of America by Columbus. In the 18th century, the production of maple sugar decreased, as then began the mass cultivation of reeds, whose sugar is easier to produce and cheaper.
