

Scarecrow / Asplenium Trichomanes L. / is a small perennial plant that grows in cracks in rocks near the high mountain belt. The plant is harvested in the months from June to August. It is found in almost the whole country.

The above-ground part of the plant is used, in rare cases its roots are used. In folk medicine it is used as a remedy for overly cowardly people, which can easily be associated with the name. There are many people who seek salvation from their fears precisely in the healing properties of this herb. The scarecrow is also very common under the name of scarecrow.

Types of scarecrow

In our country there are two most common species scarecrow - plain and north.

Asplenium Trichomanes is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Iztravniche family, which is a beautiful and delicate fern, whose favorite habitats are rock cracks and bumps on rock walls, deep and wet valleys, in river valleys or along roads. Somewhere you can see on old walls and walls. The common scarecrow is found throughout the country up to 1700 meters above sea level. Its leaves are 5 to 20 cm long. They are pinnate with 18 to 45 ovate particles on one side only. Each small leaf has a short stalk and a serrated edge above the base. The leaves are leathery, gray-green or yellow-green in color. The stalks and axes are brown to black, very shiny and very tough.

Asplenium septentrionale is also a perennial herbaceous plant of the Iztravnicheta family. Its rhizome is short and covered with linear brown scales. The leaves are 8 to 16 cm long. Northern scarecrow is also found throughout Bulgaria, most often on cracks in rocks near the high mountain belt.


Composition of the scarecrow

The north scarecrow contains the special pyrrolidine alkaloids betonicin, resinous substances, saponins, turicin and stahydrin. Its composition includes tannins, organic acids, mineral salts and a little essential oil. Common yarrow contains sugar, glue, tannins, essential oil. The following amino acids have been found in the aboveground part of the herb: gamma-oxy-alpha-aminopimelic acid, its lactone and acetylornithine.

Collection and storage of scarecrow

The scarecrow is harvested in the period June-August. Collect the entire aboveground, flowering part of the herb or only the roots, which are dug in the fall after the seeds ripen or in early spring, when the plant begins to develop. Immediately after digging the roots should be washed and dried.

After you have finished picking, inspect and clean the herb from other accidental impurities. The scarecrow is dried in ventilated and dry rooms or in an oven at a temperature not higher than 50 degrees. Store the dried herb in ventilated and dry rooms, and the stems should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The scarecrow can be purchased directly dried from most pharmacies and specialty stores.

Benefits of scarecrow

The scarecrow is widely used in Bulgarian folk medicine. Decoction of its leaves is used as a sedative for severe fear, anxiety and neurosis. Scarecrow also helps with insomnia caused by fear states. In this case, the herb is taken until sleep is restored. It is also used for hair loss, and the decoction helps with febrile illness, chronic catarrh, cough, asthma, flu, hoarseness, pleurisy. The stems of the herb are used as a nourishing agent. Scarecrow has a very good astringent and diuretic effect.

Scarecrow, Stranger
Scarecrow, Stranger

Folk medicine with scarecrow

To make a decoction of scarecrow you need about 10-15 g of finely crushed stalks of the herb, which are poured with 500 g of boiling water. After it cools down, the infusion is filtered and 4 tablespoons are drunk from it.per day.

The following recipe includes a bouquet of herbs that fight neurosis. Mix 50 g scarecrow, 10 g of queen and ungulate, 20 g of dilyanka and the same amount of mint. 3 tbsp. of the herbal mixture is boiled in half a liter of water until the decoction remains half of the original amount. The decoction is drunk cold, 1 tsp. 30 minutes before eating.

It is believed that a decoction of herbs for external use helps one of the biggest enemies of women - cellulite. 10 tbsp. scarecrow pour 2 liters of boiling water and cover to simmer for about 15 minutes. The mixture is filtered and used to wash the areas affected by cellulite every day.

You can also take a bath with grass. For this purpose, boil 300 g of the herb with 2 liters of boiling water and soak for 20 minutes. The mixture is filtered and poured into the prepared bath. The affected areas are massaged gently.
