Interesting Facts About Maple Tree, Maple Juice And Maple Syrup

Interesting Facts About Maple Tree, Maple Juice And Maple Syrup
Interesting Facts About Maple Tree, Maple Juice And Maple Syrup

Maple wood must meet certain conditions in order to be used to extract maple syrup. There are six species of maple trees, but one species called Sugar Maple is used to make maple syrup. From this wood, which is also called hard maple, maple syrup is obtained, which has the best quality.

To get syrup from maple trees, pierce the bark of the maple and collect the juice. It contains a large amount of water and therefore has to go through a heating process to evaporate the water.

The tree from which maple syrup is extracted must not be less than 30 years old. Its diameter must be at least 12 centimeters.

When the tree begins to bloom, then it is no longer a good time to extract maple sap. This is usually on the first warmer nights in the spring. The time suitable for maple juice extraction is 1-2 months. The strongest yield is for a period of 10-15 days.

In order not to destroy the maple tree, the yield of maple syrup must be controlled. It should not exceed 10% per year.

From one maple tree the yield for the season is about 10 liters. This amount is enough to prepare only 1 liter of maple syrup.

Concentration without additives leads to maple syrup. For comparison, 50 milliliters of maple syrup has as many calories as 1 tbsp. sugar. Maple syrup is often used as a substitute for honey.

Maple syrup contains sucrose in large quantities. It also contains fructose and the minerals magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and calcium. Maple syrup strengthens the immune system, has antibacterial action and is an antioxidant.

Interesting facts about maple tree, maple juice and maple syrup
Interesting facts about maple tree, maple juice and maple syrup

There are two classes of maple syrup. The first class is A. This is the first maple sap extracted from the tree. It is lighter in color and does not taste very sweet. However, Class A contains minerals and vitamins, much more than Class C. Class A can be consumed without treatment and is useful for cleansing the body. Class C is obtained after class A. It differs in dark color and rich sweet taste. It is used in confectionery as well as in everyday life as a substitute for sugar or honey.

Maple syrup is an expensive treat and is therefore rarely found in its pure form. most often in stores it is mixed with honey or glucose-fructose syrup. Some companies offer a complete imitation without any maple syrup content. But through various chemicals it also resembles the color and aroma of maple syrup. It is good to read the composition of the label and not to trust at a very low price.

Maple syrup also produces maple sugar.
