Natto - The Unknown Japanese Food

Natto - The Unknown Japanese Food
Natto - The Unknown Japanese Food

Natto is a traditional sophisticated Japanese food. It is prepared from boiled soybean sprouts fermented in natural yeast. Natto has a sharp aroma and a specific taste that not everyone likes. It can be appreciated only by a true connoisseur of exotic cuisine.

The Japanese from the eastern provinces had breakfast with natto from 3,000 BC. to this day. The food is rich in vitamins A, C, B, K2 and the enzyme natokinase.

Of the minerals in it are found calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and copper. Its consumption is associated with many health benefits. Natto takes care of the bones, teeth and hemoglobin in the red blood cells.

Natto is a great food for any vegetarian, as it provides up to 15 mg of high quality protein per serving. It is also recommended for vegans, as the calcium and iron in it are some of the most difficult to supply to the body, especially for those who eat only plant-based foods.

Japanese food is one of the best sources of vitamin K, which reduces the chances of abnormal blood clots, which protects against heart attack and stroke.

Natto - the unknown Japanese food
Natto - the unknown Japanese food

Vitamin K2 is especially important for women who want to keep their bones healthy and strong during and after menopause, as well as for heart health.

Natto is an alternative food for anyone who loves soy but can't stand it. During the fermentation process, difficult-to-digest proteins are reduced to a minimum.

In addition, there is no gluten, due to the huge amount of fiber. Consumption of natto improves digestion and protects against colon cancer.

This interesting Japanese food is a natural source of probiotics. In addition to improving digestion, they also strengthen the immune system. Thus, it fights bacteria and inflammation, which makes it especially suitable for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Natto is consumed mainly in Japan due to its specific taste. However, if you decide to include it in your menu, you have many choices. It can be used to prepare many dishes, both traditional Japanese and adapted to Western tastes.
