Ayurvedic Nutrition

Ayurvedic Nutrition
Ayurvedic Nutrition

Ayurveda is a system of health care, generally speaking. The main thing in it are the various practices through which a person can improve his life and build healthy habits for himself. You have probably heard of exercises, massages, various beauty tips, etc.

But nutrition is also part of Ayurveda and can even be said to be a whole philosophy. The main thing in it are the right eating habits - there are products that should not be mixed, and those that we should exclude from our menu. Melons or watermelons should not be mixed with anything else.

You can not mix potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes with yogurt, cucumbers and fresh milk. Lemons should also not be eaten with milk (fresh and sour), as well as with tomatoes or cucumbers.

According to Ayurveda, eggs are absolutely incompatible with fresh or yogurt, ham or other sausages, cheese, etc. In other words, we should not make an omelette with ham or eggs on the eyes with yogurt, if we strictly follow the principles of Ayurvedic nutrition.

Milk is not consumed with yogurt, as well as with several other products - cottage cheese, all kinds of sour fruits, fish or meat, melons and watermelons, cherries or yeast bread. Yogurt, except for fresh milk, should not be mixed with the already mentioned fish or meat, cheese, sour fruits and starch products.


There are several basic principles that must be followed in nutrition according to Ayurveda:

1. It is necessary to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables;

2. It is good to drink a lot of water every day;

3. It is not recommended to mix fresh fruits and fresh vegetables;

4. In addition, it is not desirable to mix fresh and yogurt;

5. Cold drinks should not be consumed before meals;

6. We must exclude the following from our menu - carbonated drinks and especially harmful white sugar;

7. If you want to drink something before a meal, let it be hot drinks that will satiate you to some extent and so you will consume less food afterwards;


8. According to Ayurveda, it is necessary to use ghee - refined butter. To prepare it, you need to heat over low heat in a suitable double-bottomed pan with fresh butter. You must scrape off the foam that forms on the oil and do not let the oil boil. The most suitable for storing ghee are clay pots that can be tightly closed, kept in a cool place;

9. According to the principles of Ayurveda, the most valuable thing in eating is to consume food slowly and enjoy it;

10. It is good to have an interval of at least four hours between meals;

11. Don't eat too many different things at one meal;

12. It is good not to consume water an hour before and after a meal;

13. Eat fruit between meals or replace a main meal with them;

14. There should be an interval of at least three hours between dinner and a night's sleep;

15. Sleeping during the day, as soon as you have eaten, is especially harmful according to the principles of Ayurveda;


16. If you are depressed do not eat. The same goes if you are excited or not hungry;

17. A short walk after eating is especially good for your digestion;

18. Do not eat straight and fast and try to indulge in eating - without a newspaper, book or television;

19. After you have eaten, you should feel satisfied, but you should not feel heavy;

20. The most important meal of the day is lunch - it should be the most plentiful. It is good to contain the six taste sensations according to Ayurveda. These are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, tart and spicy.

21. It is best not to consume yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, as well as meat and fish for dinner.

22. It is good not to subject honey to any heat treatment;

23. It is best not to heat food more than once, that is, to always eat freshly prepared meals.
