Walnuts Fight Colon Cancer

Walnuts Fight Colon Cancer
Walnuts Fight Colon Cancer

Walnuts have always been known as a superfood. They are believed to protect against a host of diseases and unpleasant conditions, including prostate cancer, obesity, harmful radiation, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, premature aging, lowered immunity and many more.

Now, however, there is another good news for lovers of these nuts. Eating just a handful of walnuts a day can suppress the development of colon cancer. That's according to a recent study.

As we know, these nuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids and many other beneficial nutrients. It is thanks to its remarkable content walnuts manage to prevent the spread of this dangerous type of cancer. It turns out that walnuts interfere with the blood supply to the tumor and thus it becomes much harder for it to grow.

The study, on the basis of which these conclusions were made, was made by specialists from Harvard Medical School, USA. According to scientists, it is the first to study the relationship between nuts and microribonucleic acid.

Experts believe that in a diet with increased walnut content, there is a change in the expression of microribonucleic acid in the tumor formation of the colon.

Although more research is needed in the field, researchers are convinced that the change in microribonucleic acid expression is strongly associated with the prevention of this type of cancer.


However, scientists do not fail to note that these studies have been done only at the laboratory level and it is not yet clear to what extent they will be valid in humans. However, their findings are encouraging for many patients suffering from the insidious disease.

We remind you that colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the world. A reference in the National Cancer Registry in the country shows that it covers 8.6 percent of malignancies in both men and women.
