Walnuts Fight Cancer

Walnuts Fight Cancer
Walnuts Fight Cancer

Although high in calories, walnuts are considered by many experts to be the most useful nuts. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E, P and B, minerals and high quality proteins.

A new study shows that if a person suffering from colon cancer consumes an average of a handful of healthy nuts, it can slow the growth of cancer cells.

This is due to the fact that they reduce blood flow to the tumor. In fact, no other nut has been found to slow the growth of cancer.

The study, performed on mice, showed that those of them fed mainly with walnuts, had ten times more omega-3 than mice on another controlled diet.

Colon cancer is at the forefront of all black statistics. After lung cancer, it is the most common and is the leading cause of death in Western countries.

It is definitely encouraging that 30% of sick men and 20% of women respond favorably after a change to a healthier lifestyle.


Due to the fatty acids in their composition, walnuts are an indispensable helper in the fight against cardiovascular disease - they protect against heart attack and atherosclerosis, normalize blood pressure, lower bad and increase good cholesterol in the blood.

Very often people liken the shape of walnuts to that of the brain - they are considered very useful for it because of the omega-3 acids and proteins in their content. In addition, nuts strengthen bones, and antioxidants are thought to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Walnuts protect against anemia, kidney stones and thyroid disease, as they contain a lot of iodine, especially if they are very fresh.

Almost all parts of the plant are used for healing - walnut noise has been used in medicine since ancient times to strengthen the body, excite the appetite and enhance the growth of the skeletal system.

The extract is very useful for hair - it is applied externally to stimulate growth and against dandruff.
