Sweet But Healthy Foods

Sweet But Healthy Foods
Sweet But Healthy Foods

Life without sweets loses its variety and mood. What is the workday without the moments of euphoria created by the rush of cheerful mood thanks to the sweet things? Yes, the sweet is incompatible with healthy eating diets, but there are exceptions.

These are useful sweet foodswhich are worth attending to the daily menu. Here are some useful sweets do not contain harmful sugar.

Honey and its products

The very sweet, tasty and very useful product that bees give us is at the top of this list quite deservedly. Honey is a completely natural product, rich in all kinds of nutrients. Vitamins, organic acids and antioxidants are in such quantities that 1-2 teaspoons a day are enough to charge the body with strength. Suffice it to say that the content of vitamin A is 60 times more than in meat. The composition of honey is special and this makes it a stimulant of all vital systems in the body. Along with this is a dietary product that does not contain harmful sugars. The only thing that must be taken into account in its consumption is the fact that it is one of the strongest allergens and this must be taken into account in terms of quantity.


Sweet but healthy foods
Sweet but healthy foods

A tasty and useful sweet temptation is dried dates. They are suitable for the immune system because the vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients in them are in significant quantities. They protect the heart, protect against Alzheimer's and are very good for pregnant women. With dates and nuts ground in a food processor, delicious and harmless homemade candies can be made.

Blueberries, blackcurrants and other blue fruits

Sweet but healthy foods
Sweet but healthy foods

The blue color of a fruit suggests that there are many anthocyanins with beneficial effects on the body and vision. They are strong antioxidants; destroy free radicals; strengthen the walls of blood vessels; enhance visual acuity. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which accelerates the synthesis of collagen and dietary fiber. This makes the blueberry fruit, you satiate hunger.


Sweet but healthy foods
Sweet but healthy foods

It's wonderful, fragrant and low-calorie fruitwhich can be consumed all year round. Cellulose and pectin support metabolic processes. Pectin removes bad cholesterol from the body and has a beneficial effect on the heart. The contained vitamin C increases immunity. Good prevention are against cancer.
