With This Diet, The Monks Of Mount Athos Protect Their Longevity And Health

With This Diet, The Monks Of Mount Athos Protect Their Longevity And Health
With This Diet, The Monks Of Mount Athos Protect Their Longevity And Health

Researchers have shown that the average age of the monks of Mount Athos is 94 years. The clergy who inhabit Mount Athos can not only boast of a long life, but also of a healthy and strong body, which modern young people would envy.

However, there is a reason for all this and it is not hidden only in the fact that these people live in a place charged with special energy. A very important role in the longevity of the monks of Mount Athos is played by their diet and their philosophy of life.

First of all, it is very important to note that monks consume almost no processed food. They eat fresh organic products that they have prepared themselves and their menu lacks all those semi-finished products that modern man is constantly reaching for.


Hermits refrain from eating meat, but can afford fish and dairy products. The monks eat often, but less and never overeat. Three times a week they eat only foods of plant origin. As you can guess, they strictly observe the Orthodox fasts, which is why they actually fast for most of the year.

The brothers pay a lot of attention to how they prepare their food. They always use fresh products, and when they have to process something, they rely on simmering. They put almost no sugar in their cakes and consume their coffee with honey.

The monks of Mount Athos lead a very active lifestyle and are always on the move. Because they produce their own food, they take care of their gardens and livestock, writes ZdravedaeKom. Collect herbs, olives, fruits and vegetables. They are known as producers of one of the most fragrant, tasty and useful olive oils.

Olive oil
Olive oil

According to the clergy of Mount Athos, everyone could achieve a healthier and longer life if they start fasting three times a week, avoid processed foods, exercise more and walk more often in nature.

They believe that another very important factor that we must overcome in order to live longer is stress. This can happen by accepting everything more calmly, putting our intimate life in order, not fussing so much and not allowing anger and hatred in our souls.
