Herbs For Good Digestion

Herbs For Good Digestion
Herbs For Good Digestion

Swelling of the abdomen and frequent flatulence may suggest indigestion. This is a problem that could certainly not only lower our self-esteem, but also worsen our quality of life. Therefore, when such complaints start to bother us more and more often, we need to find ways to deal with them.

Try to soothe your bloated stomach immediately by making ginger tea. Apart from being an excellent spice, it is also known as a miraculous herb. Grate a small part of the fresh root and take 1 tsp. from him.

Pour hot water, wait half an hour, strain the decoction and drink it. If you can't find fresh ginger, look for tea from the plant in pharmacies. Take tea 2 times a day.

Another herb known for its beneficial effects on indigestion is mint. It can be found both in the form of a spice in grocery stores and as a dried herb in pharmacies. Pour 1 tbsp. from the plant with 400 ml of hot water. Divide the tea into 2 parts and drink them 1 hour after a meal.


They say that thyme also helps against gas. Soak 1 tbsp. of the dried herb with 250 ml of boiling water. Wait 15 minutes and strain. Take the herb when it cools. Drink the decoction 2 times a day 1 hour after eating.

If none of the above potions help, you can also try cardamom tea. Pour 1 tsp. grains of the plant with 300 ml of boiling water. Wait 1-2 hours and strain the resulting decoction. Take the drink one hour before eating. It is said that cardamom tea not only facilitates digestion, but also leads to weight loss.

Ginger tea
Ginger tea

To avoid problems after eating, you can also make mallow tea. Pour 1 tsp. with 250 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 1 hour, then strain. Divide the resulting decoction into 3 parts and remove each of them 40-60 minutes before eating.
