Cardamom - The Ancient Aphrodisiac

Cardamom - The Ancient Aphrodisiac
Cardamom - The Ancient Aphrodisiac

The spice cardamom is one of the most commonly used in India. Also known as Elletaria cardamomum, it belongs to the ginger family and gives a very strong aroma and taste to food. Cardamom grows naturally in the rainforests of India, mainly in the higher parts.

There are three types of cardamom - green, brown and Madagascar, and it is believed that green has the most healing properties, and the pods of brown are larger than those of green. Its taste is slightly spicy and leaves a very pleasant refreshing taste in the mouth. For this reason, in ancient China, pods were chewed to prevent bad breath.

Cardamom, in addition to being part of various medicines due to its health benefits, is also used for the production of wine, pastries and meatballs in Scandinavia.

Rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, essential oil, flavonoids and others, it improves digestion and stimulates appetite. It is also suitable for nausea and vomiting, promotes weight loss and regulates blood pressure. It stimulates the secretion of various hormones and enzymes, and due to its expectorant action is suitable for cough and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

It turns out that it has a general strengthening and toning effect on the body. And in combination with coffee or tea improves a person's mental state, as well as his sexual functions. Cardamom affects sexual reactions, desire and thoughts. For this purpose, it is traditionally used in Arabic coffee.

Because it improves blood circulation to the lungs, and hence leads to increased oxygen saturation in the body, cardamom also affects sex life. We know that during sexual intercourse you need a lot of strength and energy that this spice provides.

If combined with ginger and hot spices, cardamom stimulates the blood supply to the genitals, and hence their sensitivity. It is interesting how it also affects the receptors in the nose and thus further stimulates sexual appetite.

Coffee with cardamom
Coffee with cardamom

Its intake by men leads to improved sexual life in cases of erection problems, the spice increases libido and prevents premature ejaculation.

It is also believed to protect against sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, as well as inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys (nephritis).
