Aphrodisiacs In Ancient Greece

Aphrodisiacs In Ancient Greece
Aphrodisiacs In Ancient Greece

IN ancient Greece Many foods and beverages such as cheese and garlic were added to the wine, but at the same time it was perfectly normal to eat foods that were considered aphrodisiacs. If anyone mentions bulbs, the first thing that comes to mind is probably not an aphrodisiac. And yet they were highly valued for their famous positive effect on libido.

What is an aphrodisiac?

An aphrodisiac is defined as something that provokes or enhances sexual desire. The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. From ancient times there are foods that are believed to increase sexual power and desire, and historians tell us that the ancient Greeks were not immune to promises of improved performance and endurance and increased pleasure. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recommended lentils to keep the man well in old age, a practice followed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who prepared it with saffron. Plutarch suggested bean soup as a way to increase libidoand others believed that artichoke was not only an aphrodisiac but also ensured the birth of sons.

Here we will mention some of the ancient Greek "discoveries" for achieving masculinity (since the earliest references to aphrodisiacs are for men):

Edible bulbs

The ancient Greeks believed that some bitter edible bulbs stimulated passion. They are cooked in different ways and are consumed with aphrodisiac salads containing honey and sesame - two other foods considered boosters of libido. Perhaps the ancient recipe is similar to this recipe for pickled onions, which is prepared today.


Garlic is an aphrodisiac
Garlic is an aphrodisiac

From ancient times it was believed that garlic has magical and therapeutic properties and is also considered aphrodisiac. In the time of Homer, the Greeks ate garlic daily - with bread, as a spice, or added to salads.


Leek is an aphrodisiac
Leek is an aphrodisiac

The ancient Greeks considered leek an aphrodisiac, probably because of its phallic form (it was also used as a diuretic and laxative).


Truffles are an aphrodisiac
Truffles are an aphrodisiac

Truffles are considered exceptional aphrodisiacs. They were very expensive, just like today.


Peppermint tea is an aphrodisiac
Peppermint tea is an aphrodisiac

Aristotle advised Alexander the Great not to give his soldiers mint tea during the war, so as not to be distracted.
