Unknown Superfoods: Purple Potatoes

Unknown Superfoods: Purple Potatoes
Unknown Superfoods: Purple Potatoes

Recently, a new variety of potatoes has appeared on the stands of the European market - purple. Unfortunately, this non-traditional type of potato cannot be easily found on the Bulgarian market.

The new variety was grown by scientists from the University of Colorado. They have an unusual purple and red color of the tubers and an increased content of nutrients useful for the human body. They are a cross of natural varieties with an unusually strong color.

The strange color is due to the antioxidant anthocyanin. The antioxidant is preserved in purple potatoes even after cooking. So we can enjoy purple chips, purple puree, purple fries. The taste has not changed, but is like ordinary varieties.

Purple potatoes contain more antioxidants than their known counterparts, which are able to prevent the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis and other genetic damage.

Potatoes with purple color
Potatoes with purple color

They contain a solid dose of vitamin C, folic acid, iron, zinc, potassium, phenolic compounds. Despite their unusual appearance, potatoes are not genetically modified.

To date, this exotic vegetable is already grown in a number of European countries, gaining more and more popularity. And recently it has started to be widely offered in Great Britain, where they are generally traditionalists.
