Myths About Healthy Eating

Myths About Healthy Eating
Myths About Healthy Eating

There are myths about healthy eating that nutritionists in the United States believe should be debunked. Among them is the myth that people who do not eat meat are less likely to get sick and live longer.

If you completely refuse meat, you have a chance to get sick, and more precisely to damage your cardiovascular system. It is not good to abuse meat, but a hundred grams of it are extremely useful.

The second myth is that raw vegetables are much more useful than heat-treated ones. This is not always the case. Some vegetables lose their valuable substances during heat treatment, while others become even more useful.

For example, in gastric diseases boiled carrots are much more useful than raw. And eggplants and green beans are not edible raw at all.

Another myth is that obese people should starve. Excess weight will melt from hunger, but then it will return and even increase. In addition, prolonged fasting leads to metabolic problems. It is better to follow special diets from time to time, rather than killing a person with total hunger.


Salt is thought to be harmful, but this statement is wrong. US scientists claim that salt is one of the most important elements involved in metabolism. However, it should not be abused - about five grams of salt a day are enough.

It is also a myth that in order to purify water, it must be boiled. However, boiling cannot destroy all microbes, let alone heavy metals, nitrates and pesticides.

Another common myth is that wholemeal bread should be eaten regularly. However, this is contraindicated, as it is useful, but not in large quantities. If you eat only whole grain bread, you can damage your digestive system.

There is also the myth that frozen products do not contain vitamins. However, fast freezing retains a huge percentage of vitamins in the products and they are even better stored than in fresh vegetables that are refrigerated.

Another famous myth is that we should choose margarine over butter. However, butter contains many useful substances for our body, which margarine can not provide us. However, it is important not to overdo it with butter, as it is quite high in calories.
