High Iron In The Blood

High Iron In The Blood
High Iron In The Blood

The accumulation of iron in the human body is formed in two ways. The first is through food and the second from transfused blood. This accumulation is called thalassemia. If the excess iron is not removed, it can damage important organs such as the liver and heart.

Iron is a naturally occurring element in food. A problem with toxicity at high doses exists in every food. Any food can be overdone, but iron is a threat.

Small amounts of iron in the blood are needed to carry oxygen to the tissues. Recently, however, scientists have found that high iron is a major cause of heart attack, stroke, some infections, and even cancer. The worst thing, however, is that the human body does not have a built-in mechanism to help release excess iron.

High iron in the blood
High iron in the blood

Very few people realize that excessive consumption of burgers, egg yolks and steaks oversaturates the body with iron. It should be known that there may be good and bad fats, but there is no good iron. It claims that there are acceptable levels of its content and those that are dangerous.

In small amounts, iron is important, but in large doses it becomes life-threatening. It stimulates the production of free radicals and causes tissue damage in heart attacks and strokes.

Foods rich in iron are red meat, vegetables such as beets, spinach, broccoli, dried fruits. Other such foods are eggs, some seafood, tofu, barley, sesame.

The main side effects of ingesting a lot of iron are pain and cramps in the stomach, as well as chills, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, tingling in the extremities, metallic taste in the mouth, skin rash, difficulty breathing.

On the other hand, iron plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, and its lack leads to anemia. At the same time, however, its overdose has a detrimental effect on the body.

The body of a healthy adult contains about 3-4 g of iron, 70% of it is vital, the remaining 30% is deposited in the tissues.
