Surprise! Diet With Beans Melts Up To 7 Pounds Per Week

Surprise! Diet With Beans Melts Up To 7 Pounds Per Week
Surprise! Diet With Beans Melts Up To 7 Pounds Per Week

The bean, which is not without reason considered to be a national Bulgarian dish, is a real gift from nature. Much has been written about its benefits, but according to recent studies, it can even protect us from cancer.

Animal studies show that frequent consumption of beans can reduce the risk of stomach or colon cancer by as much as 30 percent. That's what experts from the University of Colorado have proven, and although the experiments did not involve humans, but only animals, the discovery remains remarkable.

Beans contain many vitamins and a number of valuable trace elements. It is rich in protein and according to some is even more useful than meat and fish. It has a rejuvenating effect, has a beneficial effect on heart function, lowers cholesterol and prevents the formation of kidney stones. According to some experts, it even works to increase libido in men.

But probably the most interesting thing is that with regular consumption of beans you can even lose weight. Many nutritionists suggest that those who have an uncontrollable appetite and often stand in front of the refrigerator, looking for something to eat, to undergo exactly bean diet. It lasts 1 week and it is possible to lose 3-7 kg with it.

In the bean diet you are served four meals, and at the first breakfast you consume skim milk products, and at the second - only 1 fruit. Dairy products can be cottage cheese, cheese, yellow cheese or just a glass of milk. From the fruits, choose those that have a lower sugar content.

Bean diet
Bean diet

For lunch and dinner you should include 100 g of beans, accompanied by a fresh salad of your choice. Once a week you are given 100 g of lean fish and 100 g of lean meat. The rest of the time you can afford a handful of boiled potatoes or a handful of boiled rice.

Limit fat as much as possible and forget about bread, alcohol, sugar and everything sweet in general. In this way you will neither feel hungry nor nervous, because you will actually be full.

And on the seventh day you will find the result of following the diet, and if you are overweight, it is possible that you have lost as much as 7 kg!
