For Or Against Drastic Weight Loss

For Or Against Drastic Weight Loss
For Or Against Drastic Weight Loss

Drastic diets are not a good idea at all. It has happened to almost everyone to want to lose weight in a week or two, because surprisingly there was some very important occasion.

We resort to a variety of weight loss methods that cause us, in addition to momentary discomfort due to limitations, health problems.

If you want to lose weight and get in good shape, you need to make an effort and also give the body time to deal with excess fat.

Drastic diets - such as a complete cessation of carbohydrates - can not lead you to anything good and if they have any effect, it will only be temporary.

Naturally, avoiding carbohydrates means replacing them with something else, most often protein and meat in particular. But constant consumption of meat can create very serious health problems - lack of concentration, dehydration, liver disease, hair loss, laziness, fatigue, dizziness.

Stopping completely any substance the body needs can only lead to health problems.

For or against drastic weight loss
For or against drastic weight loss

This type of diet is done under the supervision of a nutritionist and in most cases, if you have to lose no more than 5-6 pounds. Fast and instant weight loss may have an effect, but it is definitely temporary.

We've all heard of the yo-yo effect - most often caused by a very drastic diet that is followed for a short period of time, which is really effective for the time being while you follow it, but then gives you back the rings, even quite often. a few on top.

Once you want to get in shape so much, start a diet - a balanced and healthy diet, exercise and do not expect a miracle for 3 days - everything requires patience, and if it is related to our health, no matter how much time passes. - It's always worth it.
