This Briton Is Cured Of Diabetes With A Drastic Diet! Look At Her

This Briton Is Cured Of Diabetes With A Drastic Diet! Look At Her
This Briton Is Cured Of Diabetes With A Drastic Diet! Look At Her

Richard Dauti, 59, from Britain, was surprised when he was diagnosed diabetes. All his life he ate healthy, did not smoke and no one in his family suffered from this disease. So he decided to take really drastic measures to cure the disease.

Doctors found that he had diabetes during a routine blood sugar test. It turned out that it was 9 mmol at normal values of 4-5 mmol. For a person whose weight is normal, such results were unexpected.

Although he still had no complaints, Richard decided to start treatment immediately to deal with diabetes in its infancy. As the disease progressed, the risk of premature death increased by 36%.

In addition, diabetes can damage his eyesight, kidney health and increase the risk of stroke. Doctors explained to Dauti that if he did not control his diet and did not take medication, his life was in danger.

To reduce the harmful effects of diabetes, he decided to take even more extreme measures - cut down on carbohydrates in his diet and increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, this had worked.

So he sought the recommendations of scientists from the University of Newcastle. They advised him to go on a diet for a period of 8 weeks, in which the maximum amount of food intake should not exceed 800 calories per day - 600 of them come from meal-replacing shakes and soups, and 200 calories are from green vegetables.

And given that a normal serving for a man contains about 2,500 calories, this diet looked like pure starvation. In addition, scientists have recommended that the British drink 3 liters of water a day.

The diet aimed to clear the fat deposits around the liver and pancreas that block insulin production. Only 11 days on this diet and Richard returned his blood sugar levels to normal.

At the end of the diet, doctors found that diabetes was cured, but still recommended that the Briton eat moderately for the rest of his life.
