Interesting Facts About The Pear

Interesting Facts About The Pear
Interesting Facts About The Pear

With its first steps, autumn brings a great gift - fragrant, golden and overflowing with sweetness. pears, whose taste we can keep all winter. They can be used to make delicious desserts, but with more imagination and courage you could include them in a savory dish.

Here are some interesting facts about pears:

Pears and apples
Pears and apples

- Pear, along with apple, is one of the most popular fruits in the world. It is no coincidence that the legendary Greek poet Homer sings it as a Gift from the Gods;

- The Greek peninsula of the Peloponnese was called in the II century BC the land of pears. There, the juicy fruit was used to treat nausea and seasickness. In Greek mythology, pears were offered as a gift to two goddesses - Hera and Aphrodite, and in ancient Rome - to Venus, Juno and Pomona;

- There are more than 3000 varieties of pears in the world. In Europe, the fruit came from South Asia around 1000 BC, and in North America - only in 1260;

- The Anjou variety was created in the United States in 1840, but the most popular now is Bartlett. In Europe the same pear is known as Bon Sheriton or Williams. The name Bartlett was given to Enoch Bartlett of Boston, who bought a pear orchard, and, unaware that the fruit had a name, began to sell it, giving it his surname;

Pork with pears
Pork with pears

- The Asian pear began to be cultivated in China in 1134 BC. The Chinese called it Li and considered it a symbol of immortality. To break or cut a pear tree there was considered a bad omen. In Chinese, fen li has 2 meanings: to give a pear as a gift and to part with something or someone. Therefore, it was not accepted to donate this fruit, because it led to quarrels and separation of lovers;

- Before tobacco appeared in Europe, smoked pear leaves were smoked;

- Pear wood is ideal for making kitchen utensils, as it does not retain odors and stains and does not leak water. Pear dishes and utensils can be washed in dishwashers. Musical instruments are also made of wood;


- In the old Arabic medical works it is written that the pear cures lung diseases and kidneys and lowers the temperature;

- Even uncut, the pear emits an unusually delicate aroma. The more mature and useful it is, the stronger this odor is;

- The fruit is good for the heart, plus it improves metabolism, helps with anemia and cures angina. The reason is the rich content of vitamins A, B, P and PP, as well as minerals, essential oils, sugars, phytoncides, flavonoids, folic acid.
