Fast Fattening With Apple Diets

Fast Fattening With Apple Diets
Fast Fattening With Apple Diets

The apple diet helps to regulate metabolism and get rid of extra pounds. However, this does not happen with a magic wand.

It is best to apply unloading days with apples. This is especially useful after overeating on holidays. To have an effect, do unloading days at least twice a week. If you do not need to lose weight, it can be done once a month.

We offer several options for a diet with apples

- During the day, eat only apples, and as many as you want without restriction. It is mandatory to drink plenty of fluids - mineral water, herbal teas. In one day you should eat a kilo and a half of apples. In this case, no liquids should be taken - those contained in apples are sufficient.

- Apple-milk diet. Half a cup of kefir is placed on an apple. This is consumed 5-6 times a day. Recommended for pregnant women.

- Apple diet for a week. Used for weight loss or digestive problems. On the first day, buy a kilogram of apples, increasing them by 500 grams every following day. On the third day, eat 2 kilos, then again reduce by 500 grams until you reach the sixth day by a kilo.

You can drink green tea, but you can also drink herbal. If it scratches you, you may occasionally chew on black rusks.

Fast fattening with apple diets
Fast fattening with apple diets

- Apples, yogurt and honey - the easiest option for the apple diet is a relaxing day. It can be held 1-2 times a week. For 1 day it is recommended to eat 1.5 kg of apples. You should not drink carbonated beverages, only mineral water or weak black or green tea. At least 2 liters of fluid should be taken daily.

Apples exacerbate the feeling of hunger and many people can not stand only this product and therefore apples can be combined with yogurt (1-2 cups per day) or honey (3 tsp per day).

- Apples and carrots - the longest apple diet lasts 1 week. Protein is also included. Meat can be eaten up to 200 g twice a day, and fish - up to 300 g. 2 egg whites are allowed. Raw vegetables are added to the diet. You can eat 2 carrots or a glass of carrot juice and 1 tomato a day.

The amount of apples is unlimited, with sweet or sweet and sour varieties being more useful.
