Beef Or Pork Mince To Choose?

Beef Or Pork Mince To Choose?
Beef Or Pork Mince To Choose?

Is pork or beef minced better? This question is asked by many hosts.

Realistically, minced meat as a product as we know it in the Bulgarian national cuisine is a combination of pork and beef, the ratio is respectively 40% to 60%. Of course, the minced meat can be made of only one type of meat, and in addition to veal or pork, chicken, horse, lamb, etc. are also used.

Before we look at the individual benefits of ground beef and pork, it is worth mentioning that, in general, the product of any meat, as long as it is high quality, contains all the essential amino acids that are not produced by the human body. The protein in meat is well absorbed by the body, over 95%.

Frozen minced meat retains all the useful properties of fresh product.

The main advantage of minced beef is that it contains large portions of vitamin B12. Beef is also a rich source of protein. Minced, it is absorbed by the body at a much faster rate.

B vitamins have a constant presence in the meat of cattle and calves, as well as in their by-products. The largest amount of beef contains B1, B2, B3, B6 and especially B12.

Beef or pork mince to choose?
Beef or pork mince to choose?

Among the minerals in beef and veal, the amounts of iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc predominate - substances that are essential for metabolism, immune, nervous and digestive systems.

Veal is also lower in fat than pork. However, it is much tougher. The minced meat is processed and made harder.

The main disadvantages of minced pork are its high fat content and high cholesterol. On the other hand, it is a good source of B vitamins and in particular B1, B2, B3, B6. The liver has larger amounts of vitamin B12 as well as fat-soluble vitamins. Minced pork has a much higher content of phosphorus and zinc than beef.

In the end, what to choose. Experts recommend sticking to the classic Bulgarian recipe - a mixture of both types of meat in the familiar ratio. However, there is one condition. We must be convinced that the meat is of good quality.

For this purpose, go to a butcher's shop and ask them to grind minced pork and beef, making sure in advance of the qualities of the meat. The best option is to get your own meat from a producer you trust and make your own minced meat at home.
