Quick Workshop: How To Prepare Beef And Pork Tongue

Quick Workshop: How To Prepare Beef And Pork Tongue
Quick Workshop: How To Prepare Beef And Pork Tongue

Beef and pork tongues are considered delicacies due to their delicate soft texture, exquisite taste, vitamin content and nutritional value. The structure of the tongue is a continuous muscle, which is why it contains proteins, a certain amount of fat and virtually no carbohydrates.

The beef tongue contains zinc, which produces insulin in the body of a diabetic, and pork tongue is rich in lecithin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain cells. The lack of connective tissue in the structure of the tongue guarantees its excellent digestibility. For this reason, this product can be called dietary.

With this article we will learn how to properly prepare pork and beef tongue, so that the vitamins, minerals and microelements are preserved in them, and the meat melts in the mouth, surprising the tasters with juiciness, aroma and unique taste!

Cooking beef and pork tongue at home

Beef tongue contains zinc, which produces insulin in the diabetic's body.

Before preparing various dishes of this delicacy, it must be cooked, so the process of initial processing of the offal is very important for the future taste of the dishes.

pork tongue
pork tongue

Here are some tips how to cook boiled beef and pork tongue in the home kitchen.

An important condition is to rinse the tongue well under running water.

Soak your tongue for half an hour to make it softer and softer.

Boil the meat in water without salt - everyone knows that it is better to salt the tongue when it is cooked before serving.

How to determine how long it takes to cook beef and pork tongue?

The pork tongue is boiled 1. 5-3. 5 hours, and the beef tongue is cooked for 2-4 hours, it all depends on the size of the product. Do not allow to boil strongly, so as not to spoil the taste of the meat, it is enough for the water to boil slightly. Be sure to remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

Some housewives boil the tongue through two waters - the meat is boiled for 15 minutes, then washed thoroughly, change the water in the pan and boil the product again until fully cooked. This allows you to remove harmful substances and unpleasant odors when cooking the broth.

Half an hour before you are ready, add to the broth carrots, celery root, onions and bay leaves.

Put the finished tongue in cold water for a few minutes to remove the skin more easily. If the tongue is poorly cleaned, it is not yet ready for consumption.

How to cook beef and pork tongue: favorite recipes

cooking beef tongue
cooking beef tongue

The tongue can be fried in breadcrumbs, stewed with vegetables, marinated, prepared into meat rolls, stews, pies and homemade sausage.

The tongue can be cut into thin slices, served with horseradish or mustard - this is an excellent appetizer for an aperitif.

Tongue salads satiate and satisfy hunger. Very tasty combinations are obtained if you add potatoes, avocados, pickles, mushrooms, cheese, green peas, eggs, carrots, garlic, herbs and mayonnaise when served. If you use different recipes for meat salad, but replace the meat with your tongue, you will get a very original and completely new and delicious dish.

Oven baked in the oven with vegetables, mushrooms and cheese is very popular, and aspic of tongue can be served at the festive table.

If time is short in the kitchen, prepare the easiest option for dinner - tongue with pasta, beans, potatoes or rice.

The taste of this unique offal can be varied with different spices - thyme, basil and Italian herbs.

And finally - a little trick on how to make the tongue even more tender and delicious: after boiling and peeling it, return it back to the broth to which you have already added spices and salt, cook for another 30 minutes and you will enjoy the fragrant and unique Delicious meal!
