The Beginning Of The Day Should Not Be Set With Coffee, It Is Drunk After 9 In The Morning

The Beginning Of The Day Should Not Be Set With Coffee, It Is Drunk After 9 In The Morning
The Beginning Of The Day Should Not Be Set With Coffee, It Is Drunk After 9 In The Morning

We are used to starting the day with a pulp of aromatic coffee. This is an unchanging ritual for most of the world's population. Nothing cheers us up like our morning dose of the seductively fragrant liquid and its lovers are an impressive percentage of people of all ages.

However, neurologists say this is not correct. Coffee should be drunk after nine o'clock in the morning, provided that the awakening is about eight o'clock. What is the explanation of the specialists for this necessary interval from time between waking up and coffee?

Between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning the level of cortisol in the blood is especially high. Cortisol is a stress hormone that wakes us up, stimulating the work of the whole body to become active. The recommendations are to reach for the glass of black drink an hour and a half after waking up.

It is best to perform the constant pleasant ritual between 9.30 and 11.30, when cortisol reaches its lowest levels. Then the body processes caffeine more easily. Another important detail is that if we inject caffeine into the body while cortisol is still active, it is quite possible that the body will develop resistance to caffeine. What will happen in practice then?

Coffee will reduce cortisol production and reduce the body's energy. It will no longer work well and will need more and more caffeine.


Some people get up well before eight in the morning. In them, cortisol levels rise earlier. This should be taken into account to predict the time for morning coffee.

Although drinking coffee is designated as an irrevocable morning ritual, many people also use it in the evening. There is almost no one who does not know that you should not drink such a stimulating drink before bedtime, because it will make it difficult to fall asleep, and in addition it will disturb the peace of sleep and prolong the time needed for a night's rest.

This is entirely true, although there is one detail that most people do not know. The highest activity of coffee is about half an hour after its use. The peak then gradually decreases. This can serve lovers of the evening glass with an invigorating liquid.
