The Banana Tree Is The Largest Herb On The Planet

The Banana Tree Is The Largest Herb On The Planet
The Banana Tree Is The Largest Herb On The Planet

Bananas - so delicious, filling and useful fruit surprise us with something else - technically they belong to the herbaceous plants.

Bananas have been known since the 3rd century BC. in the Mediterranean region. Their origin is sought somewhere in Malaysia. To date, bananas can be found in over 100 countries around the world.

One of the most interesting facts about bananas is that the banana tree is mistaken for a palm tree. In fact, it is a herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 12 meters. Thus, the banana tree becomes the largest herb in the world.


Bananas are the fourth most consumed product in the world after wheat, rice and corn. The modern word "banana" comes from Arabic and means "soil". In countries such as India, China and Malaysia, the banana is considered a divine and sacred fruit that restores the strength of body and mind.

There are more than a thousand varieties of bananas in the world. Sweat, however, all of them have an unpleasant taste. The most popular edible variety is called Cavendish, followed by Gro Michel. Unlike cultivated ones, in wild bananas the inside is filled with a large number of round, hard seeds.

Another extremely interesting fact about bananas is that they contain small amounts of the isotope potassium-40. It is actually radioactive. On the other hand, they are about half as nutritious as potatoes.


The benefits of consuming this fruit are not small. In their composition, bananas contain a huge amount of potassium, which is needed by the heart, brain, bones, muscles. It helps to expel excess fluids from our body, as well as high blood pressure.

With regular intake of bananas, the risk of stroke can be reduced by nearly 40%. The contained iron helps people suffering from anemia. The magnesium in them makes our sleep calm and fulfilling.

In some cases, bananas are also recommended as a natural antidepressant because of their vitamin B content. It calms the nervous system.

In general, bananas are a relatively heavy food. They are digested slowly, so they must be chewed well. It is not recommended to take more than two bananas in a row. Also, you should not drink water immediately after consumption. It is good to wait at least an hour.
