Bananas - Breakfast For The Heart

Bananas - Breakfast For The Heart
Bananas - Breakfast For The Heart

Instead of stuffing yourself with waffles and biscuits when you feel like it in the afternoon, eat a banana, French nutritionists advise. Yellow fruits not only satisfy hunger, but supply the body with many useful substances - vitamins E, C and B6. The latter is responsible for the good mood.

Bananas also contain other nutrients - magnesium and potassium. Sometimes a banana is considered a tree, but this is not the case. It is a herbaceous plant that can reach 9 meters in height. The trunk of the "tree" is actually the leaves curled into a tube.

The banana blooms in purple, and around the flowers there are red and purple leaves. The ripe bunch consists of a dozen fruits. In India and China, they have long been considered sacred. That is why many Indian pagodas have a banana-shaped roof.

Delicious fruits are not always yellow. Golden, black, red, cyclamen and pink bananas grow in the Seychelles. The word "banana" itself comes from Creole and means "am-am".

The best fruits are 20 cm long and 4 cm thick. They are relatively high in calories - there are 100 calories in 100 g, so it is not good to overdo them.


One yellow fruit contains potassium, which is enough to keep the cardiovascular system in good condition all day. Bananas are ideal for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and can be eaten with chronic gastritis.

For lovers of exotic diets there is a banana option. It lasts 7 days and with its help 4-5 kg are lost. Eat 1.5 kg of bananas a day and drink 1 liter of milk. During the day you can drink 2-3 liters of green or herbal tea without sugar and mineral water.

More Recipes with bananas.
