Properties And Benefits Of Bananas

Properties And Benefits Of Bananas
Properties And Benefits Of Bananas

The banana has the fame of one of the most delicious exotic fruits and is used in countless banana recipes. In addition to its natural state, it is consumed in heat-treated, pureed and often in combination with other food products.

In addition to taste, bananas also have useful healing and nutritional properties. The fruit of the banana tree is rich in starch and has little sugar, which is why it is known for its saturating properties. In 100 grams of fruit there are 89 kilocalories, 75 percent water, 0.33 percent fat, 22.84 percent carbohydrates, 2.6 percent fiber and 1 percent protein. The values of these nutrients vary depending on the degree to which the fruit is ripe.

The content of vitamins in bananas is represented mainly by groups B - B1, B2 and B6, which cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen hair, nails and skin. Other vitamins in bananas are PP, C, E and A.

Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium are the representatives of the minerals in the fruit, but there are also certain amounts of iron and zinc that help to the antianemic action of the banana.

Active amines such as serotonin and dopamine have a beneficial effect on the brain and mental health.

The benefits of eating bananas are multidirectional

- They relax the nervous system. Tryptophan and magnesium together with vitamin B6 stimulate serotonin, which maintains mood and takes care of good sleep, which makes banana a natural antidepressant;

- Lowers high blood pressure - the content of potassium, which is in high doses, makes the fetus a very good means of regulating blood pressure and reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks;

- Increases cognitive abilities. A study among students showed that eating bananas increases students' cognitive abilities;

- Vitamins B6 and B12 together with potassium and magnesium help to compensate for the lack of nicotine in smokers who try to quit smoking;

- Banana is very useful for active athletes because of dopamine, serotonin and thiamine in its content, which give stimulus and strength for physical effort;

- Due to the content of simple sugars, carbohydrates, the fruit is suitable for weight loss diets because of its saturating ability.

The banana there is also an external use in cosmetics and pharmacology in preparations against mosquito bites, to maintain skin, hair and nails, even in everyday life as a substitute for shoe polish. The benefits of banana peels are not unknown.

But it is very clear that we will always prefer to make a fluffy banana cake or banana cream.
