Mulberries On A Plate! Try These 3 Recipes

Mulberries On A Plate! Try These 3 Recipes
Mulberries On A Plate! Try These 3 Recipes

The mulberry is a tree from the Chernichev family, which is relatively low, but has beautiful-looking fruits that are edible. It is widespread on almost all continents, and in Bulgaria it can be found as wild in many places.

The fruits, roots and leaves of mulberry also have a number of healing properties, known since the time of the ancient Greeks. According to the Chinese, mulberry fruit is the key to longevity.

That is why here we will offer you 3 interesting recipes with mulberry that you can try.

Medicinal decoction of mulberry

Necessary products: 2 tablespoons dried mulberry leaves, 400 ml of water

Method of preparation: The mulberry leaves are flooded with boiling water and left to soak for about 2 hours. The decoction is then filtered and, if desired, honey and lemon juice can be added to it. Take 100 ml 4 times daily before meals. It is extremely suitable as a cough and laxative. It is also given for mild bronchitis and colds. In Bulgarian folk medicine, the decoction of mulberry (but the roots) is also recommended to regulate menstruation.

Mulberry compote

Mulberry compote
Mulberry compote

Necessary products: 2 kg of mulberry, 600 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation: Once you have picked the mulberries, inspect them and select only the well-ripened and undamaged fruits. Wash them well and arrange them in jars. Make sugar syrup from the sugar and water and pour it into the jars while it is still hot. Seal them tightly with caps and sterilize them for about 15 minutes. The compote prepared in this way is ready for direct consumption or as an addition to creams and cakes. It is suitable for consumption for sore throats.

Fruit salad with walnuts


Necessary products: 150 g blueberries, 150 g blueberries, 1 pear, 1 apple, a handful of ground walnuts, powdered sugar for sprinkling

Method of preparation: Blueberries and mulberries are inspected for unripe or spoiled fruit. Wash well and pour into a bowl. The apple and pear are also washed, peeled, the seeds removed and cut into cubes. They are added at mulberries and the blueberries and all the fruit are mixed. Sprinkle with walnuts and powdered sugar on top and are ready to serve.
