Ideas For Venison Appetizers

Ideas For Venison Appetizers
Ideas For Venison Appetizers

Game meat is characterized by more special and distinctive taste and aromatic qualities. Most often recipes with game meat are found from wild boar, wild rabbit, deer, deer and others.

Characteristic features of game meat

The meat of wild animals is tighter and tougher due to the richness of muscle fibers, as wild animals move more in open spaces and this increases muscle mass in them.

Game meat is much cleaner than that of farmed animals, because free-range animals eat only natural foods. Acorns, roots, berries, herbs and snails, which are the usual food of the game, give them a different energy origin from the artificial mixtures that feed the animals on the farms.

Game meat contains antioxidants, phosphorus and very few calories. It does not harm blood pressure, does not raise cholesterol and does not gain weight. Game dishes are juicy, tasty and nutritious.

Ideas for venison appetizers
Ideas for venison appetizers

The only challenge to processing wildlife meat is to remove the characteristic smell of game, which is stronger and more unpleasant for some people. To remove the characteristic odor, the meat should be soaked in water and vinegar. Another option is to stay in the marinade, which also removes the special smell and replaces it with that of the herbs that participate in the aromatic bouquet of the marinade.

Once the meat is pre-processed, it can be prepared according to various recipes. The meat of wild animals is delicious both cooked and baked or fried. Especially valuable is processed or preserved in the form of appetizers for different types of alcohol. We will focus on some ideas for venison appetizers.

Appetizers of venison or roe deer

The deer and deer are one of the most valuable game. Their meat is highly valued for its content of antioxidants, B vitamins - B6 and B12, niacin and riboflavin, protein and iron. It contains very little fat and calories. It tastes great like young beef and it is used to prepare nutritious and delicious appetizers.

Pastrami from venison or venison leg

Deer pastrami
Deer pastrami

Photo: Biliana Vladova

Necessary products: venison or venison ham, about 3-4 kg, salt, paprika, black pepper, cumin, savory, rosemary


The meat is washed and dried with a towel. Cut into large, thin pieces (about 5 cm thick). They are very well salted. They should stay in the refrigerator or in a cool place for 24 hours. Each piece is sprinkled well with the remaining spices, strung on a string and hung to dry. The place must be in a dry and well ventilated place. After about 10 days it is ready for consumption.

Venison or venison meatballs

Deer meatballs
Deer meatballs

Deer meatballs are great appetizers for red wine or beer. They can also be consumed as a stand-alone dish, most often with a side dish.

Necessary products: 1 kg deer meat or venison, 1 onion, 3 heads of fresh garlic or 3 dried cloves, 3 hot peppers or the same amount of dried powder, 1 tbsp. softened butter, about 50 ml of dry white wine, 2 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. savory, salt to taste


The meat is placed in water to which two tablespoons of vinegar have been added and left for about 6 hours in the refrigerator or in a cool place to remove the smell of game. Then the meat is dried, minced together with hot peppers or added powdered. Add salt, savory and butter to the minced meat and mix well.

The minced game stays in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then mix with the wine and stay again for 5-6 hours. Finely chop the garlic and onion and add to the minced meat. Form meatballs and grill or grill.

You can make a mixture of minced meat - from 750 grams of venison and 250 grams of pork. In this case, no butter is added, the pork gives the minced fat.
