Ways To Gain Weight

Ways To Gain Weight
Ways To Gain Weight

To gain weight you need to eat more calories per day than you expend through physical activity - ie. to maintain a negative caloric balance. Another way to achieve this is to increase your muscle mass. Some basic principles:

1. Nutrition: To gain weight - you need to eat well. Preferably for weight gain are high-calorie foods - these are, for example, legumes, rice, potatoes, nuts and more. Avoid foods rich in fats and carbohydrates - the so-called. "junk food" and refined sugar, despite their high caloric content. Increase the consumption of dairy products, eggs and meat. Achieving a higher daily caloric intake is done in 2 ways - increasing the amount of food in one serving or dividing several small meals throughout the day.

Ways to gain weight
Ways to gain weight

2. Exercises: “If I exercise, will I become weaker?” This is a myth! Exercise such as weight lifting increases your muscle mass, and skeletal muscle accounts for 27 to 55% of your body weight. In addition, they help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Aerobic activities such as running, swimming and more. are not suitable when your goals are weight gain.

3. Nutritional supplements: On the market you can find a large number of supplements (so-called "supplements") for weight gain - gainers, proteins and more. They usually have a supportive effect and cannot replace the benefits of a varied diet. There are many conflicting opinions about their harmful effects on the body. Before using nutritional supplements it is necessary to consult your personal physician, nutritionist or fitness instructor.

Nutrition is a complex process on which the overall condition of the body depends. The body is made up of substances that must be obtained through food. It needs a variety of foods, supplying the basic ingredients needed for its basic functions - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and trace elements. According to the goals, these substances must be taken in certain proportions, combined with a certain physical activity and lifestyle.
