The Peculiarities Of The Balkan Trout

The Peculiarities Of The Balkan Trout
The Peculiarities Of The Balkan Trout

The Balkan trout comes from the Trout family. In the past it was distributed only in Europe and North Asia, including in our country. Today it has been transferred and grown in North America.

Balkan trout is a favorite of both fishing enthusiasts and connoisseurs of good food. Lightning swimmers, extremely combative, beautiful and with extremely tasty meat, great from a culinary point of view - all this is it.

Balkan trout inhabit freshwater. It has characteristic features that are easily recognizable. On the sides of her whole body it is colored in light brown, and to the abdomen it turns yellow. Large pink spots glow on both sides.

This species of trout grows up to 40 cm in length. The largest recorded specimens weigh 18.8 in the Manistee River, USA and 18.82 kg, caught in Lake Michigan near Racine, USA. Clean cold and oxygen-rich waters are the perfect habitat for it. Therefore, it can often be found in clear and cold mountain rivers.


The Balkan trout, like other trout species, can swim against the current. If there is an obstacle in her way, she easily jumps in the air. The trout spawn in the upper reaches of the rivers.

There are three species of Balkan trout called morphs. Morpha fario is widespread in Bulgaria. It can be found mostly in high mountain rivers rich in dissolved oxygen.

The second species is known as Morpha lacustris. It migrates from lakes to rivers to spawn. Morpha trutta, the third species of Balkan trout, is more marine. He comes to the rivers only to spawn, then returns to the sea.

In Bulgaria, as well as abroad, the Balkan trout is subject to sport fishing. It is a predatory fish and feeds on flies and worms, as well as other smaller fish.

Most often Balkan trout are caught on an artificial fly. The meat of this fish is of excellent quality. The dishes with it are one of the biggest delicacies in the fish culinary world. Its artificial cultivation for the purpose of stocking reservoirs and increasing production for export is becoming more widespread.
