Eat Prunes To Keep You Lean

Eat Prunes To Keep You Lean
Eat Prunes To Keep You Lean

Prunes are our best allies in the fight against excess weight, because they eliminate the feeling of hunger, reports the Daily Mail.

Nutritionists usually advise people on a diet to avoid dried fruits because they are high in sugar. But an experiment conducted by researchers at the University of Liverpool actually shows that consuming prunes lose weight more easily than those who do not include them in their diet. The reason for this is that the fiber contained in this fruit makes people on a diet feel full.


Scientists have conducted experiments with a hundred people of different sexes who suffer from obesity and undergo a special diet. Specialists gave 140 grams of prunes daily to women and 170 grams to men. Both groups lost 1.8 kilograms and reduced their waist circumference by 2.5 centimeters after three months.

Experts point out that the high sugar content of prunes is offset by the fact that they "quench" hunger.

In addition to helping to fight excess weight, prunes are very good for our health. They stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Prunes are widely consumed in music circles, as eating them is good for the throat. They protect against heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Weight loss
Weight loss

It has been proven that women who often consume prunes are less likely to feel discomfort during their menstrual cycle. Prunes contain vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP, vitamin C, provitamin A, minerals, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. In prunes, these nutrients are also preserved, but when dried, this fruit contains more sugars and organic acids.

You can buy prunes or make your own. Before you dry the plums, get only healthy fruit. Then wash them and dry them well.

You can remove the plum stone if you wish, but in general this is not necessary. Mark a sunny spot and place a newspaper on it to place the fruit. Your prunes will be ready in a week or two.
