Home Remedies For Colds And Coughs

Home Remedies For Colds And Coughs
Home Remedies For Colds And Coughs

When we feel that we have a cold, or even worse - that our child has a cold, we immediately begin to "sour" Not only from the likelihood of our condition (or that of the child) to worsen, but from the unpleasant symptoms associated with the common cold - sore throat and mostly an annoying cough that doesn't give us peace.

Before we show you which are the best home remedies for colds and coughs, you should know that according to most experts, coughing can actually be annoying, but not harmful.

Thanks to it, we manage to cleanse our lungs of accumulated secretions, dust, smoke and other "irritants". In fact, the more we cough, the faster we get rid of them.

Sometimes, however, even the most innocuous cause of cough (not to be confused the common cold with serious illness) leads to such unpleasant symptoms that sleep can not catch us.

Here are some home remedies you can try to say goodbye to her faster.

1. Do not underestimate the power of home-made teas and herbal decoctions

Herbal teas in the treatment of colds and coughs
Herbal teas in the treatment of colds and coughs

Photo: Albena Assenova

Many of us think that they are obsolete and put them in the column "grandma's nines", but if you study the question in more detail, you will find that herbal teas and decoctions not only did not go out of "fashion", but still more current. For coughs and colds are especially suitable teas of chamomile, oregano, coltsfoot and mint. And when it comes to a dry cough, try to "fight" it with bay leaf or thyme tea.

2. Inhalations

You do not need to have an inhaler to to deal with the persistent symptoms of cough. All you need is a wide pot, a towel, water and the herbs you have decided to treat yourself to. Once you have prepared your herbal decoction and it boils, reduce the heat so as not to burn your face, wrap your head in a towel and stand over the pot so that you can inhale the herbal vapors. Try to practice this at least a few times a day for 3 minutes.

3. Treatment with black radish

Turnips with honey for coughs and colds
Turnips with honey for coughs and colds

Photo: Dawn

Slightly forgotten method for home treatment for coughs and colds, but in vain. All you need to do is get a black radish and dig a well in it, in which to put 2 tbsp. honey. After a while you will see that the well is filled with radish juice. Drink this juice 1 tsp. 3-5 times a day until you notice that the annoying cough has left you permanently.
