Green Tea Against Joint Inflammation

Green Tea Against Joint Inflammation
Green Tea Against Joint Inflammation

Everyone has experienced joint pain. They are directly related to the deposition of salts in the joints and spine, and require treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic joint inflammation. In our country the affected by this disease are about 50 - 60 thousand people. There is a tendency to a hereditary predisposition to rheumatoid arthritis, which affects women more often.

Joint treatment is important for cleansing the body. There are a number of remedies, as well as folk methods of how to achieve it.

Joint Problems
Joint Problems

Green tea has long been known for its beneficial healing properties. The substances in its composition also have an anti-inflammatory effect on connective tissue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. That's what Michigan scientists have found.

For 3 years, a study was performed on isolated cells - synovial fibroplasts, taken from the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis when removing fluid from the joint cavity. The fibroblasts that cover the tissues around the joint were grown in a nutrient medium containing certain amounts of green tea.


It turned out that the substances contained in green tea prevent the formation of molecules that cause inflammation and erosion of bone in the joints. The resulting drug has yet to be tested, first on animals.

One of the prerequisites for green tea to be so useful is the fact that, unlike black tea, it does not undergo fermentation. In this way all the useful substances remain in it. Its most active ingredients are catechins, tannins, alkaloids, proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, micro and macro elements, pigments, essential oils, vitamins B, C, P, PP, K, carotenes, etc.

Vitamin K is especially needed for the prevention of osteoporosis. On the other hand, green tea contains many times more vitamin C than in the most popular sources such as lemon juice or orange. Catechins, in turn, are active compounds.

They are involved in metabolism, in redox reactions, in regulating blood sugar levels. The catechins contained in green tea show vitamin P activity. Together with vitamin C can reduce the fragility and destruction of the walls of blood vessels.
