We Eat Cheaper Tomatoes And Cucumbers

We Eat Cheaper Tomatoes And Cucumbers
We Eat Cheaper Tomatoes And Cucumbers

Prices for tomatoes and cucumbers have begun to fall. This is shown by data from the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets.

Due to the lower value of vegetables, there is a decline in the market price index. It turns out that the index, which reflects wholesale food prices, has fallen by eleven percent since mid-April. If at the beginning of spring it was 1,519 points, now it is 1,369 points.

It has fallen 3.2 percent in the past week. The price of imported tomatoes decreased by as much as 24.6 percent. This week it has reached BGN 1.62 per kilogram. Cheapering is also observed in greenhouse tomatoes. Their value has fallen by 16.7 percent, which means that a kilogram of them costs 2.25 leva.


There is also some reduction in the price of cucumbers. Imported from abroad are already sold for 1.33 kilograms. The price of native orange cucumbers has dropped to 1.27 per kilogram. They fell by 9.9 percent.

The value of cabbage amounts to BGN 0.93 per kilogram. A kilo of apples already costs 1.26. A kilo of fresh potatoes costs BGN 1.22 after their price dropped by 7.6 percent. Green lettuce is also significantly cheaper. The product, whose value recently came very close to that of broccoli, is now sold at a price of BGN 0.50 each.

In the case of lemons, however, there is an increase in prices. Now a kilo of them is offered at a price of 2.21 leva. On the other hand, there is a reduction in the price of strawberries. Their price has dropped by 31.2 percent and now a kilo of them costs BGN 3.30.

There is nothing surprising in the reduction in the price of vegetables. Even before the May holidays, experts predicted that after St. George's Day, tomato prices would fall. Traditionally, in the beginning of spring the first Bulgarian production is always significantly more expensive due to the unfavorable temperatures and the lack of enough sun.

As summer approaches, however, the value of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers drops significantly.
