Tomatoes Are Getting More Expensive, Cucumbers And Yellow Cheese Are Getting Cheaper

Tomatoes Are Getting More Expensive, Cucumbers And Yellow Cheese Are Getting Cheaper
Tomatoes Are Getting More Expensive, Cucumbers And Yellow Cheese Are Getting Cheaper

The tendentious rise in prices of basic food products in the country continues. Experts' forecasts for a lasting rise in the monetary value of food in April are already coming true.

The most significant increase is observed in the widely sought after tomatoes. They have increased their cost by as much as 10%. In the trade network, a kilo of tomatoes costs BGN 1.99.

Sugar, oranges and potatoes are also on the rise. The average price of sugar is BGN 2.11 per kilogram, which is an increase of 1.4 percent. Potatoes are traded for an average of BGN 1 / kg, which means that they have risen in price by 1%.

With the passage of the orange season, there is an increase in the price of citrus fruit. On the market a kilo of oranges already costs an average of BGN 0.94 (an increase of 1.1%).

Cow's cheese also marked a slight increase of 0.6% and today can be purchased for BGN 4.68 / kg.


And more - according to the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets / DKSBT / in just one week the flour has risen in price by 4% and is now trading at 1.04 per kilogram wholesale. At the same time, for now, the Association of Bakers assures that there will be no drastic rise in the price of subsistence.

According to DKSBT statistics, cucumbers are cheaper by 5.1 percent. The average price per kilogram of cucumbers is BGN 1.87 / kg. The oil also has a reduced monetary cost - a kilogram costs BGN 2.77 (0.7%), as well as yellow cheese, which costs an average of BGN 10.60 per kilogram, which is a decrease of 0.3 percent.

We remind you that according to experts from the Sofia Commodity Exchange, a lasting reduction in the prices of some of the main food products can be expected during the summer months of this year.
