Some Amazing Reasons To Eat Rhubarb

Some Amazing Reasons To Eat Rhubarb
Some Amazing Reasons To Eat Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a perennial herb with large ornamental leaves and huge fleshy stems. It blooms in white pink or red flowers from June to August. The plant is a favorite of chefs around the world. In our country, however, it relies mostly on its health and healing properties.

Rhubarb contains free and glycosidically bound anthraquinones, as well as a small amount of reduced anthraquinones, tannin-glucogalin, a large amount of minerals (phosphorus, calcium and magnesium), vitamins (K and provitamin A), starch and pectin. Its healing properties have been known for thousands of years. Even the ancient Egyptians used small doses of rhubarb to improve digestion and cleanse the intestines. It is given in large doses for both constipation and upset stomach due to its astringent and cleansing functions.

Rhubarb leaves, as with any other useful thing, should not be overdone. They contain oxalic acid and have low toxicity. Poisoning is almost impossible, but it is good for people with liver disease to monitor their total oxalic acid intake.

In addition to the reddish stems, rhubarb root is also used. In addition to its beneficial effects on the stomach, it cleanses the intestines, purifies and removes bacteria and toxins that irritate the esophagus. Regular intake also maintains the healthy functioning of the colon.


Rhubarb is known for its antibacterial, antibiotic, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It is extremely often used to treat intestinal infections and to eliminate intestinal parasites.

However, the health properties of this miraculous plant do not end there. Polyphenolic chemicals are found in rhubarb. They kill and prevent further growth of cancer cells. The anthraquinones in its content prevent the metastasis of cancer cells.

Another problem in which rhubarb extract is used in combination with other products are the symptoms of menopause. It dulls and reduces them, thus ensuring a calm and harmonious life.
